Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Now 400 posts on the blog "1000 places you don't want to be as a teenager"

You can ask yourselves how many months and years it would take to make 1.000 posts about places no child should go as a teenager. Sadly the answer to this question is: Too few years!

It has not taken 6 people a decade to make 400 posts.

I admire their work.

Of course many of the places they mention are the same as we have in our wiki.

But they are not the same.

We don't have the resources as they have.

We wish we had.

However there shouldn't be a need for such a blog. Children should be treated with dignity when they need treatment. Is is not the case and that is the reason such a blog is needed.

Wish them God's speed. They are doing a good job.

1000 places you don't want to be as a teenager
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