Monday, November 24, 2014

Once again relatives fight for the freedom of a family member

This time it is a girl being hold at Elevations RTC - previous known as Island View Treatment center in Syracuse, Utah.

Her testimony is needed back home in a domestic case. However by holding her locked up this so-called treatment center the outcome of this case could be impacted by the so-called therapy enforced upon her.

Above a video from the girl can be seen:

It looks like the Free Chandra case years ago where family member successfully got a girl released so she could move on as a graphic designer.

It is not the only case where children are held hostage in treatment cases where their testimonies is needed in their home state.

What Elevations RTC is doing is not treatment. It is juridical work done for the father. Should juridical work be done disguised as treatment?

We say no.

Please support this girl so she can be released and move on in life.

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